Rent Caps by President Biden
Hello and welcome to This Week Today, the newsletter that brings you the latest news and insights from the mortgage and real estate world. Whether you are a homebuyer, a homeowner, a realtor, or a lender, you will (hopefully) find something useful and interesting! We cover the trends and developments that affect the housing market, the mortgage industry, and the homebuying process. We also share tips and advice on how to make smart decisions and save money when it comes to your home. So, grab your energy drink of choice and let’s get down to it!
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Game Time!:
Guess the top 10 cities with the HIGHEST RENT – Play and watch here!
Read Me!:
Kentucky is on the brink of ending exclusive real estate listing contracts. – Read here!
Watch Me!:
Don’t forget to clean your stinky kitchen sinks! – Watch here!